<text><span class="style1"></span><span class="style2">Tag Maker 0.9</span><span class="style1"></span><span class="style3">by Geffrey H. Klein, MD</span><span class="style1">This little stack was created out of my frustration with cutting and pasting URLs from mail and newsgroups. The operation of the stack is as follows:1) While using your mail program or newsreader, save the document as a text file.2) After saving the file, open the stack and import the text file by clicking on the import button.3) When you click on convert, the program will search the document for URLs and write HTML to allow your web browser to link to the URL.4) Click the export button and save the file.5) Use your web browser to open the file and all of the URLs should be highlighted and clickable.Note: Due to Hypercard's restriction on number of characters per field, try to limit imports to one piece of mail at a time or the document will not be processed correctly.Enjoy the stack, and let me know if you have any suggestions for improvements..Geff Klein, MD <gklein@bcm.tmc.edu></span><span class="style4">[Click on this field to go back to the program]</span></text>